
How to create a post in wordpress

Sure! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a new blog post in WordPress:

1. Log in to your WordPress account.
– Go to your website URL and add “/wp-admin” at the end of the link.
– Enter your login credentials and click “Log In.”

2. Once you’re in the WordPress dashboard, click on “Posts” in the left-hand menu, then click on “Add New.”

3. You will now be taken to the new post page. Start by entering a title for your blog post in the space provided at the top of the page.

4. Next, write your blog post in the “Post” editor.
– You can use the formatting options at the top of the editor to style your post text, add links, images, and other media.
– You can also switch between the visual editor and the text editor to format your post in HTML.

5. If you want to add an image or other media to your post, click on the “Add Media” button.
– Select the file you want to add and upload it.
– Once it’s uploaded, you can choose how you want it to be displayed in your post.

6. On the right-hand side of the page, you’ll see a “Categories” box.
– Choose the appropriate category for your post by selecting a category from the list.
– You can also create a new category if needed.

7. Add relevant tags to your post by entering them in the “Tags” box.
– Tags are used to help readers find posts that are related to a specific topic.

8. If you want to set a featured image for your post, click on the “Set Featured Image” button located below the “Categories” and “Tags” boxes.
– Upload the image you want to use as your featured image and click “Set Featured Image.”

9. Once you’re happy with your post, click on the “Publish” button located in the top right-hand corner of the page.
– Your post is now published and live on your website!

Congratulations, you have just created a new blog post on your WordPress website!

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